Zodiac sign Gemini

Bubbly talented speaker

You might sometimes think that a Gemini is indeed two people. Multitasking is not a problem for Geminis since - thanks to their intellectual curiosity - they understand about everything and, besides, may have a chat. So, they handle pretty much.

Zodiac sign Gemini

Character: Tell me WHAT you are and I tell you HOW you are!

Never alone

A secluded existence is not the taste of Geminis. They need many people around them and want to listen, experience and learn all day long - the more input, the better. They absorb this amount of information easily and enjoy passing on their knowledge.

Fun: Laughing lustily


Geminis do not forget a joke so fast. Their loose tongue always has a quick wit at every appropriate (and unfortunately also inappropriate) opportunity. They can entertain a company for hours, but also get into trouble as a class clown.

Happiness: The dream of eternal happiness

Voracity for news

Making new friends on Facebook, exchanging the latest news with mates via SMS, reading some blogs on the internet, tweeting a bit from time to time, phoning much and letting the day cosily come to an end with the newspapers in front of the TV - perfect for Geminis!

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